With a master’s in instructional technology in your hands, you can do pretty much anything that concerns the use of technology in creating immersive educational experiences. The goal of instructional technology as a discipline is to envision and implement various digital assets in teaching environments, thus dramatically improving students’ learning outcomes. A true EdTech professional...Read More
Even though the terms educational and instructional technology may seem compatible, they have important subtle differences. While educational technology is based on a wider scope including philosophical aspects, essential approaches, both theoretical and applied subjects on using technology to support education, instructional technology is related to the usage of the technology on how-to perform instruction...Read More
“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” Apply Now George Couros Traditional education experienced a turning point in the 21st century. The revolution came in the form of increased merging with the technology: Modern classrooms use technology on a daily basis to provide students with...Read More